Closed-loop brain stimulation augments fear extinction in male rats
2023, NAT COMM 14:3972
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Reinstating olfactory bulb deri- ved limbic gamma oscillations alleviates depression-like behavioral deficits in rodents
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Higher-order thalamic nuclei facilitate the generalization and maintenance of spike-and-wave discharges of absence seizures
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Temporally targeted interactions with pathologic oscillations as therapeutical targets in epilepsy and beyond
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The Medial Septum as a Potential Target for Treating Brain Disorders Associated With Oscillopathies
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Spike and wave discharges are not pathological sleep spindles - network-level aspects of age dependent absence seizure development in rats
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Proximodistal organization of the CA2 hippocampal area
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Immediate neurophysiological effects of transcranial electrical stimulation
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